Attendance Zone Information
Visit MCPSS InfoFinder to identify home school attendance boundaries by Students' home address. It is highly recommended that you check with the school shown to verify this before purchasing supplies as this is a guide only, and by continuing use of this program you are aware of this.
**School Finder is designed to identify attendance boundaries by a student's home address if your child attends a centralized Special Program, his/her school may be different than the school to which your home is zoned. This includes Special Needs, Magnet, Signature and Transfers.
Click below for a view of school zone maps
- Allentown.pdf
- Austin.pdf
- Booth.pdf
- Breitling.pdf
- Burroughs.pdf
- Calcedeaver.pdf
- Castlen.pdf
- Collier.pdf
- Collins Rhodes.pdf
- Craighead.pdf
- Dauphin Island.pdf
- Davis.pdf
- Dickson.pdf
- Dixon.pdf
- Dodge.pdf
- Fonde.pdf
- Forest Hill.pdf
- Gilliard.pdf
- Grant.pdf
- Griggs.pdf
- Hall.pdf
- Haskew.pdf
- Hollingers Island.pdf
- Holloway.pdf
- Howard.pdf
- Hutchens.pdf
- Indian Springs.pdf
- Leinkauf.pdf
- Maryvale.pdf
- McDavid Jones.pdf
- Meadowlake.pdf
- Morningside.pdf
- Orchard.pdf
- Orourke.pdf
- Robbins.pdf
- Semmes.pdf
- Shepard.pdf
- Spencer Westlawn.pdf
- St. Elmo.pdf
- Tanner Williams.pdf
- Taylor White.pdf
- Turner.pdf
- Whitley.pdf
- Will.pdf
- Wilmer.pdf